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4.9 /5
  • Proveedor de servicios
  • -Envío a tiempo
  • La calidad del producto
This is the first time I have ordered anything directly from manufacture, and it was a great experience. I saved a ton of money and the product was excellent, it exceeded my expectations. Renee the sales lady is awesome, she kept me up to date every step of the way, provided insight that helped me alot. she also has been following up to make sure everything is good and any questions I have she answers promptly. I highly recommend JSD Solar for anyone who is thinking about getting solar. At first I was going to use an American company who charged more than double for less than what I bought thru JSD Solar, also the reviews for the American company about their customer service was less than good. I can only say positive things about Renee and JSD Solar. Will be buying them from them again.
    Доставили быстро, продавец отзывчивый. Грамотно проконсультировать. Спасибо за сервис.
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